David Lohr
- Navigation Point Advisors

Dave Lohr worked for 20 years in engineering, engineering management, and business leadership roles at DuPont Chemical Company. He then became the president of Medisorb Technologies International, LP, a pharmaceutical drug delivery firm that developed a long-acting dosage formulation for a $4 billion schizophrenia drug.
Lohr also operated and/or founded three business incubator programs in the biomedical and alternative energy sectors. He was the founding president and executive director of the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing, a public-private partnership researching surface engineering. Following CCAM, Lohr taught for seven years in the management department of the Pamplin School of Business at Virginia Tech. He currently is president of Navigation Point Advisors, a consulting firm focused on economic development through growing technology-based companies.
Lohr is a member of the International Business Innovation Association and Lions Club International. His is founding member and past chairman of the Chemical Engineering Advisory Board at Virginia Tech, serves on the College of Engineering's Committee of 100 Advisory Board, and is a past member of the college advisory board. In 2021, he was inducted into Virginia Tech's Academy of Engineering Excellence.
Lorh received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering with highest honors from Virginia Tech, and earned a Master of Business Administration degree with a concentration in finance and venture creation from Xavier University in Cincinnati.